CMT image

CMT - Metrology

CMT is a simple open source metrology agent.

  • Collect OS metrics, middleware state, application availabity.
  • Use as a CLI on systems during sysadmin operations.
  • Send collected data to Elasticseach, Opensearch, InfluxDB for storage, viewing and analysis.
  • Send alerts to Teams
  • Easy extension to cover specific checks
  • Scalable data model
  • Deploy as a standalone binary, single YAML configuration. Ansible, manual, etc.
  • On github : Take me to Github
  • Binary download : Take me to download

> Sirene image

Sirene - Notifications

Sirene is a Web app to inform customers, users or staff in case of an important situation.

  • Incident, Maintenance, crisis notification, progress, ...
  • Notify to public or private web page, email or SMS
  • Notify users, groups, geographic sites and groups of sites, applications users and maintener
  • Send predefined messages (one-clic) or craft specific messages if needed
  • SAML / OIDC federated authentication for user access to private message
  • On-the-fly user provisioning for deployment at large scale

Consulting image

IT Consulting

We provide IT Consulting and expertise in the following fields :

  • Opensource infrastructures, devops, network and H.A. solutions
  • Metrology, log collect and analysis
  • IT Security : governance and risks, compliance, IAM, DRP, Crisis & Incident Response
  • GDPR : Governance and organization, expertise, training, deliverables
  • Design, Deploy, Operate, Monitor, Document, Train, Change, Repeat ...

... and much more.